God is the Turkey (and we’re the hors d’ oeuvre)

There’s nothing like a traditional Thanksgiving meal without the turkey. Well, as much as the turkey make the meal, the appetizers and sides add something to it as well. Well, I want to talk to you today about how our Thanksgiving meal can be a lot like our lives. For me, God is the main dish of course and he’s the one who makes me complete. We can be great and satisfied with just the turkey alone perhaps, but the way I look at it is God of course wants us to make him first over everything in our lives, but he also wanted to bless us with other great things as well. Like family and friends. Our family is there for us whenever we need them and without them we wouldn’t make it as well without support and love. So, my point to you today is about completeness. God is our main dish and he doesn’t’ stop there   But he blesses us by giving us other things to add to our lives. Like family and friends and talents and more.

Although at this point in my life, I find friendships to be difficult at times but, as this year is just about coming to a close and the new year is approaching, I want to find ways to build the friendships, and even the acquaintances in my life. Having friendships is such a beautiful gift and I’m not going to allow doubt or insecurities make me feel that I can’t enjoy this gift. Whether I have one friend or 20 friends, I want to make the most of every one and bring joy and love and positivity to each one. 

When God created the world we were just one piece of the puzzle, but as time went by and created more humans, more and more pieces came together. I find it so fascinating how much our lives can be impacted by surrounding ourselves with loving and caring people. We take it lightly at times but, to have someone you can call a true friend is something truly remarkable. God wants us to work together and help each other. 

I pray that this Thanksgiving and everyday, we may take a moment to pause and reflect on all that we are thankful for and begin to find ways how we can show more and more appreciation to our family, friends, coworkers, etc... everyday. We’d be surprise how much we could brighten someone’s day by giving someone a hug, a high five, a gift or a simple text message. Don’t think that the small things don’t matter because they do. Though the world seems to be so crooked, it doesn’t mean we have to resemble as the world is. We can be the change and introduce something new and different for the world to see. We can overcome hate with love. We can show appreciation to our friends and family and make them feel loved and cared for, We can take that next step of being on better terms with someone that we haven’t been on good terms with. We can heal broken relationships whether it be a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, brother, sister, there’s hope.

God gave us great food to feast on that would sustain us whereas filling up on fast food may not be as satisfying. That’s because it takes time to prepare a good meal, fast food is just quick and cheap. Sometimes I find myself trying to get full on the wrong food. God has much better food for me but instead I choose fast food. I don’t want to find an easy way out, I hope to be patient and wait on God’s delicious meal that he is preparing for me. Because that meal is made with care.

I love getting a chance to talk with you guys like this. I love getting the opportunity to be able to speak in a real way and each blog I write is one I put lots of effort in. It really does come straight from my heart. 

Much love to you all, have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving🧡🏠🍗🍛👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Unlocking Your Mind (freeing your mind from negative and narrow thoughts)

Our minds are a powerful part of our bodies. We use it many times a day. Do you ever find yourself thinking that you know it all and there's nothing that no one can do or say to make you change? Well, I know of some people that are like that and let me tell you, it can be a dangerous thing. We sometimes are so hung on believeing the way we believe and think that we don't even have one doubt in our brain that we could possibly be all wrong. I wanted to talk with you today about how we should try to readjust our thinking and choosing to think the way God would want us to think. I mean, just because no one else can hear our thoughts doesn't mean that God can't. So, when we think we should consider how God would approve of our thoughts if he was sitting right there listening to us.

I know of someone who's always thinking about people trying to plot some kind of scheme on their lives. They believe that they're trying to do something to do them wholeheartedly that they know how they did it, when they did it and why they did it. They go as far as saying who's all involved in this big scheme. This person is so untrusting of people that they almost look at everyone could possibly be plotting something.

As long as you continue to digest these kinds of thoughts you're going to find yourself feeling lonely, scared and paranoid for the rest of your lives. And, what I mean by "narrow" is that your thoughts continue to be one way. You don't try to turn or make a detour just in case that long narrow road that you're on isn't the right way to where you need to go. You continue to keep driving down this road and have no doubts or second thoughts about it. Having a narrow road is liking driving somewhere you aren’t familiar with without a map. When we’re obedient to the Holy Spirit, we shouldn’t feel trapped. We feel safe and secure and set free because we know that wherever the Holy Spirit is leading us is always the right way to go. Sometimes we can be so set in our own way of thinking that we don’t even want to listen to God after awhile. We need to manage our thoughts almost the same way we’d manage our money in a bank. We should avoid our thoughts from going overdrawn, in a mind sense, overdrawing can mean that we kept digging ourselves back in the hold of doubt, fear, jealousy, and judgementalist. Just like how we keep digging money out the bank and have to end up paying for those overdraft fees, the same goes with our thoughts when we keep digging back those thoughts of negativity, doubt, etc... we end up paying for it by making ourselves depressed and afraid and angry. We need to deposit only the good thoughts in our mind and continue to withdraw all of the bad thoughts that could be poison to our lives.

I find myself thinking negatively from day to day. I think things like “how will I ever get there...” and “I don’t think I’m capable of doing this...” or “I don’t have enough money to do this. Ibegin to question my self-worth, my faith, and my abilities. It’s natural to think negatively sometimes but it doesn’t really do us any good in the long run. God says this in his word “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.””
‭‭John‬ ‭16:33‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Though we may feel forgotten, scared, unsure, etc... God will never Let us down and his promises will never fail. Let’s take a look at what this devotional has to say about renewing our mind:

Why Renew Your Mind?
Back in 1992, I said the prayer of salvation. However, my life did not change for nine years. I did not know that salvation was just the beginning of the Christian experience. Renewing your mind is the key to experiencing new life in Christ.
God desires that you have a wonderful, daily relationship with Him. He wants you to grow in faith. He wants you to understand His love for you, as well as His thoughts and ways.
Renewing your mind through the Bible is God's way to transformation. When you read, meditate upon, and apply God's word in your daily life, you are changed from the inside out.
You will begin to reflect God's character and others can taste and see that the Lord is good through you!

Wow! So wonderfully said. I couldn’t agree more. When we begin to renew our minds we will have a much more fulfilling relationship with God and others. Though it’s not easy getting over past hurts and struggles, we can take small steps towards a better and renewed mind that will give us the peace and delightment that we have been searching for. We can be rest assured in God’s lavishing love, sufficient grace, and everlasting peace. He’s our friend, he cares for us and is our help in all times of need.

I wanted to share this with you today because it has been something that I have been struggling with. It's such a great feeling to be able to express my thoughts through this blog and it’s such a blessing t be able to possibly be able to encourage someone though what I write. 

That’s all for now, but I am thankful that I was able to come back to my blogging by pouring out my heart and sharing something that’s hopefully encouraging to you all. Also, happy November! I have some exciting things coming up this month. My birthday parties haha, thanksgiving and Black Friday!!! Stay tuned folks and thanks for sticking with me on my blogging journey. 

- Kammy

Originating Change Within Me

 Recently, I made a list of ways that I have changed within the last ten years. I compared the things I wrote about and thought about in my ...