Imagine a World Where...

Many of us have hopes and dreams of how we wish the world could be. Some are realistic and some are not. Some of us have more personal desires where we wish we could be more acceptable as far as jobs, friends, or success. It would be nice though, wouldn't it? To never have to hear about killings, for everyone to get along and be happy for one another, for everyone to be financially equal. let's pretend just for a moment that we could make the world however we wanted it to be. I'm going to list three things that I'd like to see or have in my imaginary world. 

1. Imagine a world where... Everyone was financially equal. Money seems to have such a strong influence on people. Some make great investments with their money and some do dirty things for money. if everyone has/make the same amount of money then there wouldn't be starvation or people facing eviction and being homeless. And also, people with plenty of wealth wouldn't have to want more money or gain more money because everyone would have the same and wouldn't be able to gain more. Everyone would have what they need and be able to provide for the needs of their loved one.

2. Imagine a World Where... You never get bored. I know, being bored may not seem like the worst thing but for me, it means a whole to me by filling up my time with doing things. If I never once had to be bored in my life that would be really cool! Staying busy with many activities can help your mental health. The only time that we would really have settled downtime is when we go to sleep haha. This may not be much of a dream for some people but, I feel like if I could spend my time where I wanted and when I wanted that would be absolutely fabulous. I would take bikes rides, find a cool concert to go to, go to some classes, eat at a restaurant, hang out with friends and the list is endless! Heck, we could eat, sing, skip just because we simply can. Maybe you're bored because, lack of money, limited resources, or the town you live in isn't a very "happening" place. if money, lack of resources, or by living in a non-happening town wasn't an issue, I bet we would be able to do more and therefore, we would be less bored. Just a possibility...

3. Imagine a world where... everyone was accepted. Acceptance seems to mean a whole lot to people, including myself. If you just think about the world of social media where everyone wants to gain a 1,000 + likes or have several thousand views on YouTube. It's all because they want to be liked by someone or recognized. It's a good feeling, I know. If everyone was accepted regardless of how many likes they have on Instagram, wouldn't that be terrific? They'd be accepted just because of who they are. They don't have to make up some crazy dance, or do some outrageous hairstyle, or stuff a bunch of food in your mouth, you will be liked because you yourself is cool enough on your own. Perhaps, even though I can't change the world and make everyone accepted, I hope that we would still try to adopt that type of attitude towards people. 

4. Imagine a world where... Positivity was influenced by everything we do. If positivity was a stronger influence on us all, there wouldn't be those who are out for revenge, paying evil for evil, sending nasty text messages or comments on social media. Even some music today can leave a bit of a negative effect on us. I'm not saying that all hip hop, pop or rock music is all bad. I for one love a little bit of everything (hip hop would be one less liked) but I am not despising those who do like hip hop. However, we all could use a bit of inspiration in our lives at times and 9 0ut of 10 you probably will only find a few inspirational songs oppose to those songs that are about sex, partying or drinking. I have mentioned many times how there aren't many inspirational books out there either; after browsing through most of the selection of the YA books lots of the descriptions started something like this... "After the death of her brother... "once her mother died in a car accident..." "dealing with a drug addict father..." and on and on it goes. Yes, these are real things that happen to many young people but it is not something we should be encouraging our young people to be reading all of the time. If the world would input more positive influence on music, movies, books and even in our everyday lives, oh what a joy that would be. Imagine if we didn't have to necessarily delete the typical content that we're used to, but would simply have more balance to it such as, more meaningful books, music, movies and even in our conversations.

5. Imagine a world where... everyone loved each other. This is a major one that I believe I would change, if given the opportunity. There's so many stories we hear on hate, evil, and jealousy. We hear people losing their lives because someone doesn't have what someone else has. We hear people killing others just because they're unhappy with their lives. Just imagine for a moment, the peace, justice, and joy this world would have if everyone loved like Jesus loves. Jesus loves us no matter the amount of money we have, the amount of talent we have or the number of friends we have. His love remains the same no matter who we are or where we've come from. How humbling is that fact? It certainly is humbling for me. Many of us continue to express when tragic news hits the internet, words like this: "Love each other," "The hate has got to end," "Why can't we love?" Yes, these statements are very true I must say. It's questions that none of us have the answer to but, believe it or not, we can make great changes by showing more love to people. Of course, the world will still have some hateful people but, imagine the change that can begin within us? 

Well, this blog was one that was truly meaningful to me. It had me a bit teary-eyed as I was writing. I believe that writing is a gift given from God and I believe that this is one of the ways that he wants to use me through my writing. I hope that this blog would give you a new perspective on life and give you a bit of inspiration for the day. And hey, I noticed that I am a bit serious from time to time with my blogs but more lighthearted posts are soon to come! My intentions are not to write depressing things, but uplifting ones. But my goal for this is also positivity, even if some of the topics I mentioned may be a little sensitive to others. Don't think of it as sad, but think of it as a push to be a ray of light to the world. Let it be good reminders to help you be a better person in this world and to make good changes. 

Also, feel free to give me some topic suggestions for future blog posts! I'd love to hear your feedback. Don't forget to subscribe, share and comment!

I will leave you with this: 
Love is a Command, Not a Feeling. 

Love is the ability to overcome offences by grace. Love is also the elimination of barriers, allowing oneself to be light and salt regardless of the circumstance, objections, and opinions of others. Love is not a feeling because if it were based on our feelings the difficulty of loving our enemy and blessing those who curse us, confirms that love could never win. Instead; love is confrontational, causing believers to confront prejudice, while examining Jesus' instruction to “love your neighbour as you love yourself.”

Who’s our "neighbour"? In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus identifies the aide as the most unlikely and least desired solution. Race, political and religious views, and perhaps other differences made the Samaritan an undesirable character in the Parable, but also the catalyst for change - because love confronts prejudice. Reflect on your love walk; should a person's worldview, socioeconomic status, gender, immigration status, or the pigment of their skin exclude them from dialogue or assistance? 

It’s an ambassador's responsibility to introduce and spread the culture of the Kingdom (or government) the ambassador represents. That becomes a tough task when only engaging with and loving on those who love you.

Originating Change Within Me

 Recently, I made a list of ways that I have changed within the last ten years. I compared the things I wrote about and thought about in my ...