Doing Things That Matter

Upon my reading of the devotional "Doing Things That Matter", I got inspired to write a post about some of the things that I want to do that matters. Each day I feel I talk and think about too many less important things. Of course we don't have to spend most of our time thinking about serious deep stuff either but, if we fill more of our mind with positive things and how we may can make a positive impact on someone else's life, our lives will begin to be more and more fufiling. I decided that I'm not going to be so lazy about things and get motivated to do important things that will help better my life. Before I get into the things I want to do that matters, I want to share day 14 of this wonderful devotional.


Living a life that matters must be full of actually doing all sorts of things that matter. Doing things that matter doesn’t mean you have to create your own huge global-spanning movement. No. Instead it’s contributing to the largest, global-spanning movement in the history of the world! Finding ways to live and be the person that God has created you to be. This is not about following religious rules or law. This is about love! This is about loving God, loving life, loving others, and as a result, having a life that you actually choose to live.

I began telling our kids each morning as I dropped them off at school to do things that matter. It’s funny how when you begin saying something like that you’ll actually find yourself living a life that is full of life (John 10:10). Doing things that matter won’t happen by accident--they happen on purpose. Your story will become exactly what you lead it to become!

If you want to have a life of watching TV and eating Cheetos, that will be your story. If you want to give your heart to anger, regret, or unforgiveness then that will be your story. If you want to give your best to chasing money or obsessing over sports then that will be your story. If you want to cling to security measures that keep you grounded in the sea of sameness, that will be your story.

But if you become a person who has a life full of doing things that matter then that will be your story. You only have one life to live, and no one is responsible for it but you. He calls us out of the mundane and mediocre and He beckons us to experience life to the full.

What if you allowed the seemingly impossible to become possible?

What if every day you made choices that caused you to live differently?

What if you loved God and others with reckless abandon and a selfless heart?”

What if you never allowed fear to stop you?

If you pursue the journey to dream wildly, live differently, love recklessly, and lead courageously all for the glory of God you will discover a life that is well-lived. Don’t just do something—become someone! Wake up every day and choose to be who God has called you to be.

Here's some of the things that I want to do that matters.

1. Be more giving - I feel like it's such an amazing feeling to give to others and it must be  even more of a pleasure to those that are receiving what is given, whether it's money, food, or an encouraging word. It warms your heart when you know that you've done a good deed for someone. Though I may not make a ton of money, i'd love to give to organizations. Especially christian organizations and/or programs that has blessed my life. I feel like it's great to be blessed and to be a blessing.

2. Continue to be fully devoted to God - Everyday I want to continue to submit my life to God, I want to do his will, learn his ways, and become more and more sensitive to his voice. I want to shine my light more and more brightly. I know at times shining my ligh is hard at times for me in certain places. But I pray that God will help me to break away from my shyness and be bold in my faith. Something that's on my bucket list is leading someone to christ. I await for that day to come.

3. Be more committed to working towards my goals in life - I know that social media is becoming an big asset to my writing and blogging but I do noticed that sometimes i get distracted from doing the things that I need to do. So, in that way I'd like to have a better balance to my life. I want to be able to get a good amount of important things done first before surfing the internet or checking social media. I try to line up each imporant things I like to do first starting from the minute that I get up. I want to:

�Pray and Read the bible

�Write (whether that being writing exercises, writing more to my story, or blogging) I want to make it a priority to write something each day

�Study manual for DMV learner's permit test (because i'm ready to start driving soo badly)

�Read Books (I always have books that I need to catch up on haha)

�Free time - in my free time I would like to do things like talking to friends, listening to music, eating a good meal haha and i feel like by doing that i'm still doing something that matters.

And that completes my list (I guess) but i'm sure there's plenty of other things that I'd like to do that matters. But I think i'd be pretty satisfied if I was able to do those things each day. Let me know if you have made a list of "Doing Things that Matter" or are planning on making a list. I'd love to hear about! Also, let me know if you get the chance to read the devotional "Doing Things That Matter."

That's all for now.

- Kammy😊

My Thoughts

I believe I’ll make "My Thoughts" a special segment of my blog. I have many things that I think about from day to day that I’d like to share with my blog readers. 

Lately I’ve gotten a bit too sucked into the social media popularity thing. I find myself continuously trying to keep up with others and trying to be the person who has the most likes on a post or the most views on a video. As I saw the low numbers of my videos and no responses to my "ask me a question" post, I began to feel a bit sad. I begin to think to myself "I guess I’m not worth the time for people to ask me questions" or, "maybe I’m not interesting enough" I then told my friend about how I was feeling and he gave me great encouragement saying "Don’t let these things matter so much to you" and first I was like "well why not? If I get many likes and followers on instagram then I’ll have many people wanting to buy my books in the future" and he continued to say "Don’t let it worry you." So, I’m not saying this to tell others that social media is crap, it’s probably beneficial to many peoples use but mine, not so much lately. I think if I began to use it for pure pleasure of pictures and just sharing some cool things I see or experienced through pictures or videos it would be more beneficial to me. I must know my worth even if I don’t have many likes on my post or if I don’t have many views on my videos. I realize how much of an effect it had on me when no one wanted to ask me a question on my story post. I think if I continued to wait on others to make me happy it’ll always be temporary happiness. I even sometimes define friendships from instagram posts. I’d think to myself "this person didn’t like my post, they must not like me that much" or if anything instagram related I see lack of responses I began to feel that I don’t have many true friends. 

That was part of the reason why I joined Instagram, to possibly gain more friends but now that that purpose of mine seems to be failing I have a different view of Instagram. I guess I’m a bit disgusted with the way it made me feel. I realized that it was me who had to change the way I use or feel about Instagram. I decided that it would be best for me to stay off of Instagram for awhile until I feel I’m ready to accept the fact that everyone may not be interested in what I’m saying or doing but I will do it just because I truly enjoy it. I will post about my new blog posts but I won’t have such high expectations as to who will read it. I can’t continue to let myself get sad over this. 

If instagram isn’t the place where I’ll find friends then I will try the best source, which is in person. But what I’m saying is, I’m struggling with my friendships or gaining a friendship. So, my method right now is to just go with the flow of things. I can’t continue to worry myself about the same things day in and day out. God has put great people in my life for a great purpose and maybe it’s just not his time to reveal what that purpose is. He also will put other great people in my life in his time. And I believe he’ll help me overcome my negative thoughts and negative views of myself.

I love sharing these personal things like this. Writing is a great way to express yourself and that’s the best way that I feel like I can express myself. 

That’s all for now. With love Kammy😊💞

Three Things That I Feel I Do Well

I'm not one to always give myself a pat on the back but, I sometimes amaze myself by some of the things I do. It's probably because I often don't give myself enough credit. I know that each of us are gifted in our own way and sometimes the things I do I don't realize that it's a gift! So, this will probably be a short post but I thought it be neat to jot down just a few things that I confidently feel I do well.

1. Designing and/or Coordinating - I feel that I'm pretty good at designing and/or coordinating. I love decorating things such as a mug, my nails, and my hair! I always love to find ways how I can spice things up a bit. When i'm wearing a plain T-shirt, I love to add colorful jewerly or a scarf to it. When i'm wearing all black, I like adding a splash of bright colors such as a bright colored lipstick or bright colored shoes. If I had a plain phone case, i'd paint a beautiful design on the back. I suppose that's something a few people may not know about me is that i'm very artistic!👩🏾‍🎨 So, when I design these things, I take a step back and am pretty satisfied with my creation. Not be cocky or anything but everyone has something they feel that they're pretty good at. 

2. Communicating - Ok, so i'm not an expert at communication but, I feel I do pretty well with responding to an email, text or phone call. Firstly, I get pretty excited when I receive phone calls from people. So, I always make a note to myself to respond to this person as promptly as possible. I know most people appreciate swifter responses, especially business people. However, we all have our weak areas and quickly responding to someone isn't always as easy for them. I get it, it happens, usually when people don't respond quickly to me, I try not to have a cow about it. I'm usually pretty understanding as to why they couldn't get back to me. 

3. Being organized - This I can say I do pretty well with because if you look inside my purse, I have a compartment for every little thing. I have a spot for my cords and earplugs, I have a spot for smaller things such as gum, hand sanitizer, lip balm and more. In my room I have some work with organizing but i'm doing pretty good with keeping up with things for the most part. But, I plan on getting a bookcase, something to keep all of my shoes in, and something to keep all of my important stuff in. I'd even like something to keep all of keepsake items in. So, I know that I have some ways that i'd like to be more organized but, no one's perfect. I feel i'm doing a decent job for the most part.

And there is my top three things that I feel I do pretty well. I hope that I can add a few more things to this list. I hope that I'll feel confident enough to add blogging and writing in the list but I believe it's something I'm still developing and learning about. But i do have great supporters in these areas and i'm very happy about that. I'll name a few things I liked to be better at: Being more positive, being more mature, developing my social skills, being more responsible, being a better friend, being less distracted, having more faith in God.

I hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoy writing it. Feel free to tell me some of the things that you think you do well. Let's chat about it in the comments section. That's all for now lovely people, peace out!

I Lived

That song speaks to me in so many ways. There's been moments in my life where I said, wow, I really did this? Did I really experience this? And that's why I love that song because it says "I owed every second that this world could give, I saw so many places the things that I did." It gives me flashbacks of some of the amazing things i've done and/or experienced. I know you guys are thinking "Ok, she's writing an entire post about a Onerepublic song?" Well, yes and no. The song inspired the title of this post and it ties in to the subject of "living out your best moments in life" but, it's not what the entire post is about. However, I want to clarify what it's about because I noticed that in some of my blogs the meanings isn't clear. So, this post is about "Reliving your Best Moments."

I'm going to share some of my best moments and at the end of this post, I'll ask you guys to share some of your best moments in life.

The best moments in my life have been the Taylor Swift concert. yes, the concert itself was amazing but how I was able to get in this concert was even more amazing. Firstly, like the week leading up to the Taylor Swift concert, we heard that the radio station was giving away tickets. We began calling everyday until the concert. Sadly, we had no luck. On June 22nd, 2011 (which was the day of the concert) me and my sister heard on the radio that the radio station will be at the venue giving out last minute tickets. So, me and my sister decided to give it one more shot. We headed down to the XL center and played a game to try to win the tickets from the radio station. Sadly, we still had no luck. Then, a lady and her daughter tried to play the game and of course, they ended up winning. So, me and my sister began to walk away feeling a bit disappointed, but just as we were walking away, my mom began talking to them and telling them how much this concert will make their summer. After a few minutes of my mom and the lady and her daughter talking, the lady handed us the tickets. We were completely stunned and absolutely so happy! The lady and her daughter said "we actually have better seats than what the radio station was offering" It was truly an amazing night. Also, on top of that we ended up getting a free T-shirt. That night will go down in history for me.

Another great moment of my life was when I was in Starbucks, just sitting down drinking coffee with my sister and doing a bit of work. My mom came in and I believe ordered coffee also. She began talking to this couple and smiling at their baby. After a little while, I saw my mom chatting to this couple for a little while now. Then, I realized that there was another guy sitting there who was their pastor. Soon, my mom brought the couple over to our table to introduce them to us. The couple sat down and began talking about their church and their faith and the conversation went on from there. Then, the pastor came over to our table also and we got really caught up in talking about God and everything and then the pastor opened up in prayer and right after the prayer, he handed my mom an envelope. It was a gracious gift that I'm not going to reveal what it was but i'm telling you, it was a good gift. I felt the presence of God move in Starbucks that day. I never that i'd feel like in Starbucks but I'm a witness that god works wonders anywhere at anytime. That day changed my life. It was truly remarkable the way God setup that connection between the couple and their pastor.

Also, another great moment that happened just about three months ago was my sister's birthday party. Kayla had invited some friends we know from church to her birthday gathering at an ice cream place called Milkcraft. The ice cream shop has a very young environment to it. Although the seating was very limited, we may the most of it and still ended up having a good time. We ate ice cream, socialized, and play some phone games! Even though it was a small event, I still feel like it was one of the best days ever. It felt so good connecting with other people around my age because I always used to watch other young groups of people laughing and having a good time, but now, I finally got to experience it for myself.

Another part about the birthday gathering that made it so great was that, I felt like I was really interacting with people (which is something I don't usually do) I didn't even used to talk a whole bunch to my friend that i've known for 2 years now but that night, we really interacting the most we probably ever have. I could say that I saw sparks flying but... I won't go there. It's numerous reasons why I don't talk about this person that I have feelings for. For one, I felt before I didn't really fully leave it in God's hands. But now, i'm fully leaving it in God's hands with whichever way he wants it to go. Things are a lot better this way when nothing is being said and pumped up as if we're going to take the next step right here and now. Overall, it was a great night!

I'd share many other great moments in my life but, I think that'd be a pretty long blog post. But, these three that I named were the most memorable to me. Of course i've had my writing classes and my first Onerepublic concert that was incredible also but I believe i've shared those moments with you all already.

So, there you have it! I just shared some of my best moments in my life and i'm sure i'll have more to add as the years go by. So now it's your turn, what has been some of your favorite moments in life? It could just be one major event or thing you've experienced in life or you can tell me a couple of great things that happened. Let me know in the comments section.

That's all for now lovely people, I'll try my best to post more regularly but honestly, this whole blogging thing is still new to me but I'll get there! I'm always open to ideas and suggestions. You can let me know in the comments or on my social media sites!

Bye for now!💟😊👋

Originating Change Within Me

 Recently, I made a list of ways that I have changed within the last ten years. I compared the things I wrote about and thought about in my ...