"The Future Looks Good"

 Man oh man have I been wanting to use a Onerepublic song for one of my blog titles. Today I want to talk to you about things I'd like to do in the future or things that I hope will change in the future.


There's some things i'd like to be better in with my spiritual life. In the morningtime, I always hope that prayer and bible reading can be the first thing I do before I do anything else but, I often end up getting off track. I wake up, I don't get up out of bed right away but I stayed there and sit and then alerts pop up on my phone and i'm interested in what alerts are showing up on my phone, whether it's a text message, instagram notifications, bible verses, etc... it makes me a little anxious what's popping up on my phone. But, day after day it causes me distraction and it makes me waste a little time. I'm hoping I can change that and really make God a top priority of my day. The best way for me to do that is get up pretty early so that I can have more time to meditate and study God's word. I would like to start keeping my phone off until i'm finished praying, reading the bible and reading devotionals. I have to kindly tell my family that our conversations will have to wait until i've had my quiet time with God. i'm certain that they'll be understanding of that.


Having the right friends is really a great gift from God. However, i feel like i've been experiencing a bit of complications in the friendship department. I'm hoping for a change with the friendships I have and the friendships i'm trying to have. Things with the one close friend i have is going good but, I think there's areas where I still want to see growth. I often feel like I don't matter to people sometimes. I thought that instagram would be a good way to make friends but, as soon as I think i found a nice person to talk to, it seems like they start drifting away. I think because people have probably become so skeptical of who they communicate with on social media and what they don't know is, I'm the same way. I'm very careful who I link with on social media. But once i do find that person that seems to be trustworthy, I would like to continue to communicate. But unfortunately, it seems that the person that I want to connect with doesn't want to connect with me as much. So, if these people that I've found to be really nice on instagram wants to be my friends and i'm just misunderstanding them, I pray for us to connect and get to know each other better, which will possibly grow into a great friendship. I know God works in great ways and i'll keep praying and being patient with him and those that I want to connect with on instagram.


i would like to begin to change my view of myself. Very often I don't give myself enough credit. I always feel that someone can do something better than me. I often find myself saying "I'm not good enough for this position..." or "I can't sing this song as well as this person." I really hope that I can find ways to be more confident in myself, (and not overly confident) but build more confidence in myself than what I have now. I believe God gives each of us our own gifts and uniqueness and I pray that i'll begin to embrace that more. I pray that God will use me in ways that I never thought possible. Many times people say that "I'm so much more than what I can see" so now, I think it's time for me to start seeing it. I know that I may not always please people but, the main thing that I want to remember most is pleasing God.


Being responsible really means a lot to me. I would like to try to sav more money and save it persistently eery week. Even if that means $5 a week from my paycheck, I feel like every little bit counts. I would like to work towards gaining that freedom as the young adult that I am. I will always need my parents, but I would like to start not being so dependent on them. I need my parents in different ways than when I did when I was a child. I would like to start driving, paying for my own bills, and even have my own place one day. i've been slacking long enough in my 4 years as being an adult and at 22 now, i'm ready to start making some big changes. Every time when I feel like i'm adulting, it makes me feel really good.


I would really like to stop worrying. I know that worrying isn't healthy for me and it doesn't help any situation. I know that if I truly begin to put all my trust in God that those worries will seem begin to leave. There was a devotional that I read titled "Four Ways to Stop Worry" and i'll list the four things that it said:

1. Get to know God. Here's the scripture that was attached to it, Matthew 6:32 "People who don't know God and the way he works fuss over things."

2. Put God first in every area of your life. Matthew 6:31-33 says, "Don't worry at all about having enough food and clothing... Your heavenly father already knows perfectly well that you need them, and he will give them to you if you give him first place in your life and live as he wants you to."

3. Live one day at a time. Matthew 6:34, "So don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own"

4. Trust God to Care. 1 Peter 5:7 says, "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."

I found such comfort reading that devotional because everything that he said was very true. I know that, with God's help, I can let go of worry.

Career Choices

I want to try my very best to have a good job. I know that I have job that gets me by and knowing that it makes me slack a bit with searching for a better job. I'm thankful for the job I have, but I know it's not enough to help me to get established when i'm living on my own one day. So, i'm hoping that in the near future i'll be able to get a good job and that eventually, I may even be able to make a living off of doing things that I really enjoy like writing and singing.

There's my list of accomplishments I hope to make in my future. I know that it may take time but, I also know that God is with me every step of the way. I'm willing to take these courageous steps in my life and to see where God will take me. I'm excited about the brighter future that is up ahead of me.

My Passion for Writing

Ever since I was about 7 years old, I loved writing. As a young girl I would spend a lot of time writing short stories. I'd even write about daily activities that I do. I used to have my family read the short stories I've written. Theyve told me "I don't understand it, but I give you credit for all the effort and commitment you have for this story." Even after hearing my family say, "They didn't fully understand it" it didn't stop me from writing. I was thankful to them for their honesty and recognizing my determination.

As I got older, I began to get really serious about pursuing a writing career. But as I got older I also wanted to start writing stories that makes sense and that wasn't easy. I've began messing around with a few titles for a book and tried to tie in a description to it but, not much has came to mind.

I've gone through periods of my life, (especially in my teen years) where I didn't have the motivation to write. I believe I had gone a whole year without writing or even thinking about writing, in the sense of a novel and such. But as time gone by, I've began to get back into it slowly by reading fictional books and nonfictional books to help me find inspiration for a story. I realized that just because something may seem hard doesn't I can't do it. There's many things in life that are hard at first but with Jesus and determination almost anything is possible.

In 2015  I came up with a title for a story and also a somewhat dialogue for my story. I just began playing with it a little and with the little I had,I felt good with it. But, once the two lines that I've written began to remain that way for a little while, I began to get discouraged again. But, I've made up in my mind that I won't go so long again without writing. Even if I write down one sentence everyday I can say that I've tried and am making small progress. I feel great about this story I’m working on, even though I’m making slow progress I see great potential with this story.

Writing Goals -

I would like to list off some of my writing goals I have for this year. I have already accomplished a few last year like writing classes but I’ll list some more ways that I’d like to be productive with my writing.

1. Create a schedule and stick to it - That means writing everyday. 

2. Form a writing group where we’d meet up monthly - I already have a title for it! It’s titled “What a Beautiful Page it Is”

3. Take more advanced writing classes.

4. Make more progress with my story.

5. Write on my blog more regularly and find ways to help my blog grow.

I think if I accomplish these goals for my writing this year I'll be really proud of myself.

It takes a lot of work pursuing in a career but, I’ll look back on these days and believe that all my work has been worthwhile. I’m ready to take on any challenges that comes with my writing journey. I’ve already taken a few challenges as it is; I’ve cried, gotten really frustrated, felt like I just wasn’t fit for writing and simply just had times where I felt like quitting. But even through all of my emotional rollercoasters, I’ve never lost my love and joy for writing.

I’ve expressed myself in unimaginable ways with writing. I’ve released a lot of hurt and sadness in my writing. I’ve also find great joy through writing.

Even through my discouragement, I know that the passion I have for writing is there for a reason. I want to keep pushing until I reach the finish line.
I’m excited about where God is going to take me in my writing. I’m also thankful for the many supportive people I have cheering me on as I proceed in my journey as a writer.

In another post, I’ll take about why I love singing ๐ŸŽค. 

That’s all I have for now. Thank you to all of the wonderful people who has taken time to read my blog. Your support means so much to me. 

Questions for My Readers

I often talk a lot about myself, but now knowing that my blogging audience is growing, I decided that I might as well get to know them a little. I'm going to ask a few questions about yourself (trust me, nothing personal) basically like a little quiz type of thing. I've asked myself these questions also from the book, Spilling Ink. So, here's your questions!

Q: Favorite Book?

Q: Favorite Movie?

Q: Hobbies?

Q: Favorite Quote?

Q: What's your style?

Q: Favorite tv show?

Q: Favorite Game?

Q: Favorite Ice cream flavor?

Q: Top 5 favorite songs?

Q: Favorite Band?

Q: Favorite singer?

Q: Favorite singer?

There you have it people. Let's have some fun with this one. I hope you like the questions. Please continue to give me any suggestions for a further post. This post was actually a suggestion by someone so, I do take suggestions and use them.

Much luv, Kammy!❤๐Ÿ˜Š

Your Thoughts on my Blog

Hi guys,
I decided to do a Q&A thing about my blog. I’ve been struggling lately with blogging and coming up with good topics and the latest ones I’ve posted doesn’t seem like it’s lining up with my topics so, I could use your help.
Here’s a few questions I have for you guys:

Q:Do you enjoy my blog?

Q: Do my blog posts make sense?

Q: Are my posts something you’d share with others?

Q: Do I stay on topic in my blog posts?

Q: Are the topics good?

Q: Does my blog look organized or professional?

Q: Do I use the proper punctuation for my blog posts?

Q: Is my blog something you’d read often?

Q; Is there improvements I need to make for my blog?

Q: Would you consider becoming a follower of my blog?

Phew! ๐Ÿ˜… Sorry if that seems to be a load of questions folks. Now, I did the “Q” part and now it’s time for you guys to do the “A.” Are you up for it? You don’t even have to answer each question. Just answering one question will give me a better idea as to how I can make my blog better. Also, don’t be afraid to be honest. Honesty is healthy. Honesty will help me grow and be better with things.

So, I’ll be sending this to many people, (just warning you haha) I need lots of people’s opinions. By you guys answering these questions, you’re supporting me in ways you don’t know. I’m excited about the future of my blogging and my writing.

Thanks in advance guys! Bye for now ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜Š✌️

How to have productivity in your day.

Many of us have days where we make goals and sometimes end up not following them; we either get lazy, spend too much time on the internet, get caught up watching a movie or talking to a good friend, etc... Whatever the case is, we always end up saying at the end of the day "Man, this was an unproductive day." Trust me, I've been there and I feel your pain, you aren't alone on this one.

So friends, I wanted to give you a few this on how we can start having more productive days:

On a spiritual note...
If you really want to make time for God in your daily life, you should promise yourself that you won't go on the internet, turn on the TV, or have too many conversations with family or phone conversation s and such with your friends. Of course you don't want to be rude to them or anything. You can say a friendly "Good morning" or something but just make sure that you don't get into a long conversation or anything that'll hold up your meditation time. Your family will understand that you need to take a few minutes to meditate with the Lord.
By putting God at the top of your day you'll feel a difference in whole you feel and have a good attitude or feeling before you face a new day.

Wake up earlier
Take a shower the night before maybe.
Freshen up a bit in the morning and have your clothes laid out the night before also.
Have an idea of what kind of breakfast or foods you'd like to eat before heading off to school and foods that you want to brings with you.
Always try waking up extra early. I think these tips should help you a bit to be able to be "school-ready" this can go for college students also.

I'd give the same suggestions for your job also. Oh, I meant to say go to sleep early also.

Make it a priority that you won't do [you fill in the blank] before completing what's on your list.

If you have a meeting, dentist appointment, or even being scheduled to serve at church. Always keep in mind to BE ON TIME. I've been known to be late for different things and trust me, it's not a good feeling.

At the end of the week, you should reward yourself in some way for doing so good by keeping up with your schedule and being productive! Whether it's buying something that's a little pricey but its something you really like, treating yourself to a good lunch, going to a fun event, or whatever you feel like doing it because numero uno, you earned it! You deserve to treat yourself weekly or monthly because you worked hard at keeping up with your goals.

If you're ready to be more productive, the time is now. I belibe you can do it. And at the end of the week, go ahead and do something nice for yourself.

That's all I have for now, but stay positive and keep being your awesome self.


How I'm Becoming More Sociable.

Oftentimes I'm told by people that I'm a quiet person; I believe that's partially true but not completely. I've also been asked, "how do you have a social life being homeschooled?" and I simply reply, "Easy, church, library, work" and that's where I've found the most people I click with just like anybody would in school. Even though being described as a "quiet" person, I've always felt within that I can be a sociable person. At home, I feel super comfortable and I'm pretty outgoing and energetic. I'm not sure why that "at home" Kamera isn't able to be fully shown.

Anyway, enough about the “shy” Kamera. I want to tell you ways that I’ve grown socially. I’ve been less sociable for one because I haven't gone to many places before. However, I've been able to go more places now and meet more people. Working has helped me build social skills, of course, that's because its one of my job task is to be friendly and helpful to customers. That's how I've been selected as a credit winner for two months in a row because I haven't been afraid to open up to the customers and tell them about the great benefits they can gain. Otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten any credits without selling and showing enthusiasm.

I also feel that volunteering at my church has helped me grow socially and has connected me with lots of people. By being on the video team with my siblings at church it opened up ways for me to communicate about different shots I see that u want to get or communicate about how it looks in the director's point of view. Now every other week we laugh and have fun in our media room before preparing for each service. Usually, in big social groups, I'd be the wallflower who isn't really involved in what anyone is talking about. But now I laugh and talk right along with the group. It took about a year and a half to get comfortable being around these people but, I've learned to not be so self-conscious about people thinking bad of me and such; I've realized they people actually enjoy talking to me and enjoys me talking back to them.

I also feel that by joining social media has really expanded my social skills tremendously! I wasn't always interested in joining social media and I did not want to have any part of it whatsoever. But, once I created a blog and began to realize that having social media accounts can be a very vital tool for your blogging, especially if you want to grow an audience; So, after a bit of encouragement from a few friends about joining social media, I finally did. And I haven't regretted it. I began to search for some people to follow and soon after that, I started liking others posts, commenting on posts and other people liked my posts too! Which is awesome. I have connected with a few people on social media how, and feel comfortable enough to start an in-person conversation with them.

Since I'm beginning to come out of my shell now, it makes it a bit hard for me and my friend to communicate, because he's a bit quieter than me and I'm sometimes hard on him for not being upbeat enough or talkative enough. But, I have to remember I was once like that and only had a little to no social skills at all. I'm willing to help my friend become more confident in communicating with others also.

Many times, us quiet people are often nice but are also to ourselves a lot which may make it hard for people to see that kindness in us. So, every now and then I surprise people and go out of my way to show kindness. I do that by either handing the door open, picking up money they've dropped or simply smiling and giving them a handshake. Once you find your perfect fit of people you want to be around or talk to, the discomfort or nervousness or maybe even self-consciousness will begin to fade away. It's about taking those first steps.

You know, some people are really quiet, some people are really talkative and talk to almost anyone, and others may just talk to who they feel most comfortable with. We're all uniquely made by God and I feel that it's great that God has created so many different types of people with so many different personalities. I'm glad that I've begun to accept myself more. And it's not that I had to be more sociable, it was my choice to take that step in my life because I feel like I've been missing out on great possibilities of friendships by being so closed in. I'm thankful for the opportunities God has opened up for me to connect with different people and I'm thankful for the development in the new friendships that I'm forming.

I hope that my blog can bring a bit of positivity in your life in some way. Maybe by reading one of my blog posts, it'll inspire you to do something courageous, I don't know how my blog may make you feel or make you want to do but I sure hope that you guys enjoy reading it as much as I love writing it and posting it. I hope that I can continue to post more regularly.

Well, that's all for now. As Ellen Degeneres says, "Be kind to one another" and ill add in, "Be kind to yourself" ✌️❤️๐Ÿ˜Š

My Spiritual, Prayer, and Meditation (Spam) Fast Experience.

Hi there,
I recently finished my spam fast and it was really great. I enjoyed discovering new Christian music. I discovered a new type of Christian music on spotify. It's indie Chill Christian i believe and it was really cool and relaxing to listen to. 

At times, I had slipped up and wasn't as focused but I got back on track and took time to be quiet and meditate on devotionals. I believe throughout the week of my spam fast it helped me realize how vital my time is with God. Everyday, taking a small portion of my time with God makes a difference in how I feel and think. My relationship with God is so important to me, so I wanted to make effort to prioritize him over everything in my life by giving up some of the things I do daily for one week. 

I believe through this spam fast experience, God is shaping me into the person he wants me to be. At times it was a challenge not doing some of the things that I really enjoyed but, it was a sacrifice that I wanted to make for God just like how he made a sacrifice for us. I temporarily took a break from non-christian books, movies, TV shows, music, etc... 
I believe it was a way for me to really hear from God and become more in sync with God. 

I also believe that through my spam fast experience, I began to have a better mindset and thought less and less on negative things. I feel like God did a 360 on my life in a way. A lot of things I've experienced during my spam fast are hard for me to put in words but, I've definitely say it was something worth doing.

I still experience struggles from time to time today like, having low confidence in my writing and singing and even in my social life. I get discouraged when I want to try to write something but all it ends up being is empty pages. I get discouraged by a lot and am still fighting out all of the answers to them all. But the key is, God doesn't want me to try to figure out all the answers, because he's the only one with all the answers, and our job is just to trust him with the results. 

God is working on me everyday and strengthening me also. He spoke to me about doing a spam fast so that I can grow closer to him and to take my eyes and mind off of things of the world and transform my mind into more spiritually related things. God is so faithful, and I pray each and everyday I'll make God a first priority of my day.

"This is What I Want to Be Remembered For"

Yes, those are the lyrics of a Colony House song. It's something I have thought about recently. Let's say, when we leave this earth or even just how we live our daily lives, what's something that we want to be remembered for? What's one way that we want people to remember us for? Maybe it could kindness, forgivingness (I don't even think that's a real word but whatever). I'll start off by saying some things that I would like to be remembered for.

I'd like to be remembered for always thinking of others.
I want to be remembered for being loving, even to my enemies.
I want to be remembered as a phenomenal writer.
I want to be remembered for as a eccentric person.
I want to be remembered for a someone who makes wise decisions.
I want to be remembered for as being a follower of Christ.

That's some of the things that I want to be remembered for. What about you?

Hopefully you guys have been enjoying my posts. I hope some of my posts will even brighter your day or give you inspiration or encouragement. That's what I hope for and that's why I continue to write.

my 2018 goals!!

Here's a video from one of my favorite Youtubers. I will also post a video she made about her advice to her subscribers. Hope you enjoy it!!

If you had all the time in the world how would you spend it?

Well, I think that's an interesting question Kamera (haha).

For me, I think I would like to spend it valuable. I would write more.
 Practice singing more.
 Possibly catch up on some books that i've been wanting to read.
I would most importantly spend more time reading the bible and praying.
I would do something i've never done before like, snowboarding, rollerskating, horse riding and more.
I would like to spend a whole day hanging out with some of my closest friends. And... I probably would like to go to all of the best concerts and find ways where I can sing more in public places.

Doing all of those things will most certainly fill up a lot of my time. I may add more to this list if I think of some more things. And as always, don't be shy about making your list also. I love to see people getting involved in the questions or quizzes I post! It truly brightens my day to see people commenting on my blog and taking the time to read it. Thanks for your support, I hope you guys will continue to support me and I hope that many more people will begin to show support.

Much love to you all. -Kammy๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ˜Š

30 Day Challenge

Hey! So, I found this neat thing on pinterest. I think i'm up for this challenge, how about you? I'd like to try to accomplish each of these challenges. Let me know if you're up for the challenge also. I thought it be fun challenging ourselves in some new ways, especially since it's a new year.

How I got the job I have

Hello friends!
I know a lot of us may have a story of how we end up at our jobs and some of us don't. My story isn't dramatic or anything but I will say that the job I have now is the first job I ever really have. I have had volunteer jobs at the library and such but Kohls was my first paid job.

I'd been looking for jobs since I was seventeen. I figured that maybe employers wouldn't be so strict with just a seasonal job and that's what I began looking for in mid-september. I applied for almost every clothing store I can think of and I had already scratched fast food restaurants off my list (some people can do it, some can't.) I began to get a bit frustrated because at seventeen I was ready to become more independent and make my own money but the job search wasn't looking too good.

So, I began to pray that God would open up a great opportunity for me to get working experience even if it's a seasonal job. so, around late October I tried my last place to apply and I thought if this didn't work out that I would give job searching a rest for a bit. A few days later, after applying for kohl's I got an email from the hiring manager about setting up an interview. I was excited because this was the furthest i'v gotten with any job. So, I emailed him back and I setup a day for my interview.

The next week or so was time for my interview and I dressed really professional that day. I was nervous at first but the manager was really nice and easy to talk to. The questions weren't difficult either. He asked me why I wanted to work at kohls and he asked me different ways how I would handle situations with customers and such. And that was it! My interview was about 15 minutes or less. I felt pretty confident leaving the interview.

Later, i got an email about an invitation to an orientation! Meaning that I got the got. I was so happy that someone finally hired me.

My first day was pretty rough because I really had no idea how to do anything. I had a day training on but my first official day on the registers was Black Friday๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ฎ. Unfortunately, my customers weren't patient with me. I believe after work I cried because I felt so stupid not knowing how to work the registers.

About a week or two into my new job I was finally getting the hang of things a bit.

After awhile, I became much better with the registers and customers and the managers were happy with my work. Kohls started out as a seasonal job but they were so impressed with my work that they decided to keep me. And 4 years later, here I am! I have helped many new associates just like I was with the registers. I'm very proud of myself that I conquered that. And that's how I became a kohl's associate. I know it's a small part-time job but I'm thankful for my job. And I know with faith and determination God is going to help me reach higher levels in my career.

I thank God for everything he's done. Even the small things❤๐Ÿ˜Š

What Was Your Top Ten Favorite Songs of 2017

2017 was a pretty good year for music I'd say. I don't know about you, but I've really gotten into a lot of new music this year. So, I'll name my top 10 favorite songs of 2017 that were on constant repeat.

1. Hillsong United So Will I (100 Billion x)

2. Hillsong United Glimmer in the Dust
3. Jesus Culture ft. Bryan & Katie Torwalt - Flood the Earth
4. Connor McCoy - Vital
5.Colton Dixon - Autopsy
6. Imagine Dragons - Believer
7. Onerepublic - Rich Love
8. Linkin Park ft. Kiiara - Heavy (๐Ÿ˜ข)
9. Charlie Puth - Attention (this song mainly for the beat and.. it's a pretty good party song)
10. Skillet feat. Lacey Sturm - Breaking Free

There you have it, my top ten songs 0f 2017. Now it's your turn, please share with me what your top 10 favorite songs were of 2017. You can write it like I did or share it with me through a youtube playlist. 

My goals and/or plans for 2018

Hello friends!

2018 is here! Yay!!!๐Ÿ˜„ 2017 was an interesting year. A lot has happened with pop culture, politics, and many other things. But you know what, God has done great things for me last year and I believe he'll 'Do it Again" this year and forevermore.

So, I wanted to tell you guys about some plans I have for this new year. I've accomplished many things last year like writing classes, first drafts of stories, making new friends, creating a blog! Haha, and the list goes on and on. I'll name five of my most exciting plans for this year.

1. Write at least a few chapters of my book.

2. Be on the vocal team at my church.

3. Spend more time with my friends.

4. Get my license and a car.

5. Save more money.

I think if I at least accomplished these five things I think I'd be really happy. Another one of my goals is growing my blog readers. I really put a lot of work into this blog daily and I'd love to have more supporters. Please spread the word about my blog and by doing that it'll help me as a writer and once I finally have a book out in stores I'll be able to say that I have already established readers possibly people that will buy my books and continue to support me in my writing career. I really do appreciate everyone who takes time to read my blog and even comment on it.

By the way, today is day 2 of my fast. It's been really great taking this time exclusively for God and awaiting the great things that he will do for me during this time. I heard a short message on Klove and the title was "Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?" I thought about that for a little bit and realized how much I lack in prayer at times. I don't want to just think of prayer as a last resort or an emergency dial. Prayer is an instrument of intimacy between you and God. So, just during these past 2 days on my fast I've learned to really communicate with God in a real and raw way. I want to develop a deeper relationship with God through prayer and scripture reading. I know by doing so, it'll leave a great impact on my life and change m understanding and my viewing of life. I'll begin to look at the glass as half full instead of half empty.

Please share with me about your plans for 2018 and tell me some of the great things you've accomplished in 2017. Don't be afraid, the comments section is open to all. Love you all. Continue to keep being awesome!๐Ÿ˜Š

Originating Change Within Me

 Recently, I made a list of ways that I have changed within the last ten years. I compared the things I wrote about and thought about in my ...