Seeing a rainbow in the sky after a thundershower is one of the most captivating things ever. I remember one day after work, I saw a few people scattered around trying to get a picture of the beautiful rainbow appearing in the sky. There's just something about seeing a rainbow that brightens your day. It captures our attention.
I bet a lot of us would love to see a rainbow appear in our life after stormy days or weeks. Those rainbows can appear in many different ways. Whether that rainbow be a job or job promotion you've been hoping or praying for, flourishing relationships, or maybe you just need a new start in your life from all the brokenness that has been caused. I wanna tell you a little bit on how I have seen rainbows appear in my life.
A Rainbow In My Career Path - I can't say that I still have the job that I would like to have but, I can say that I am heading in a good direction as far as productiveness in my career. I have recently started volunteering for the library and am going to lead a program there. I feel like it's a great opportunity for me, especially considering the fact that I've been wanting to get a job at a library. I feel like by showing diligence and commitment with my volunteer work, it can lead to great opportunities for a job. I one day was just searching on the internet for volunteer opportunities for me to apply for. Simsbury Library popped up and I applied and the next few days I got an email about when I'd like to start and also about me leading programs. I was very about about the volunteer opportunity. By me showing diligence toward the career field that I am considering, it led me to the first step on how I could possibly build my way up to a good paying job. I'm excited about how these opportunities will help further myself and my career. I know that being apart of a library is a perfect job for me as a writer. I dream to even own a bookstore of my own.
A Rainbow In My Self - Confidence - The ways that I feel like I've gain confidence over the past year or so has grown tremendously. Though I still have my moments of feeling a little less confident, I definitely can say that I feel much more confinement in many areas than I have a few years ago. I have lately been challenging myself to do hard things and to do things that are out of my safety zone. I continue to feel like God wants to give me a push but I'm not budging. Though God doesn't have to wait on me to push me but, because he is a gracious God, I believe he wants to reveal it to me that I have so much more within myself that I could ever imagine. I continue to feel like I'll stay at the "just ok" status but God sees me much more than 'just ok" even when I mess up or am a bit slower in the race. I have a great purpose in life that is time for me to start living out. So, I feel like rainbows are beginning to radiate over my self- confidence in beautiful and new ways.
A Rainbow In My Spiritual Life - During the Easter season, I connected with God in ways that I never have before. I have allowed myself to truly immerse myself in God's presence. Maybe by me saying that is a lot for you guys to grasp or understand but there were moments when I would just cry out to God about everything that's going on in my life. As I cried out, I can feel God wrapping his arms around me and saying "You're safe. Be brave Kamera." I am God's beloved child and at that moment I really felt like I belonged to God. that he loved me more than I ever could know. I had times when I feel like I broke my promises to God because I had gone against some of the things that I said I wouldn't do during that time period. But as I've said before, that made me think of how great our God really is. because though I messed up and broken my promises, he is still so merciful and forgiving. We would not have received that forgiveness or love if it had not been for the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm so thankful for the resurrecting king who is resurrecting me.
A Rainbow In My Relationships - I have mention many times how I want to grow socially and be able to connect more with my friends. that was one of the answers that I was praying for to God during my fast. In God's own way, he has slowly made that possible for me to connect with some of the great people in my life. During my Ester production at my church, I was able to see my friends much more and discuss great things with them. I was thankful hat they have been so supportive and encouraging. I'm thankful that they have given me second chances. I'm thankful for how we are growing in Christ together. Also, there's a guy friend that I have talked about on many blog posts and that relationship has progressed in significant ways. On a romantic status, we have seriously discussed how we plan to go about things and have created boundaries for ourselves. We are slowly taking steps in the direction that we've finally been wanting to take for awhile. For me, building means a lot in a relationship, I feel like with this guy we built a great friendship which is... well, great! I love that we have developed a great friendship. I'm excited for all that is to come with all of my relationships.
Maybe this whole thing about rainbows appearing in your life is something a bit complex for you guys to wrap around your mind but, just think about how you feel when you see real rainbows in the sky. How does it make you feel? Or think about how the plants look when they have sunshine and water, doesn't it enhance its beauty? Just think about how you can apply something like that to your life. Would like a rainbow yo to appear in your personality? Maybe you want to be happier or more grateful.
Whatever way it is, let your life explode with vibrant colors!
As we bowed our heads over lunch, my friend Jeff prayed: “Father, thank You for letting us breathe Your air and eat Your food.” Jeff had just been through a difficult job loss, so his heartfelt trust in God and recognition that everything belongs to Him profoundly moved me. I found myself thinking: Do I honestly understand that even the most basic, everyday things in my life are really God’s, and He’s simply letting me use them?
After reading this devotional, it made me want to digest a more grateful attitude. My friend and I recently had a conversation about how we often take things for granted. Even the people in our lives, we forget to give encouraging words when they may need it or even if they don't ask for it. I told him "you didn't greet me like you were happy to see me" it made me feel a bit of less importance and he later opened to me and said he didn't because he had other things on his mind at the moment and didn't mean to brush off his greeting to me. That later brought up an important topic about how we shall appreciate each other and many other things more. You never know when you won't see that person again and the least we could do is to show our appreciation to them. He ended up shaking off his inner issues and focused on the goodness of the time we spent together.
Maybe you can be that type of person too, who learns to be happy for the smaller and bigger things in life. You may not have the job you want right now but at least you have a job, you may not have the size house you want but at least you have a house, you may not be able to afford the best quality food at times but at least you can afford to eat. When you wake up in the morning, think about the things that you can choose to be happy about. Think about your health, family, friends, or any little thing that may bring a smile to your face. Take a walk and admire the beauty of nature, cuddle with your puppy, read a good book and make the most of everyday and every moment. Your ambition to living a more positive life will be more worthwhile. Trust me, I've tried it for myself and am still learning how to make myself have a better attitude about things.
When I write things like this, I'm not trying to preach to anyone, but am giving advice on what I know by doing it myself. I am not perfect and will never be. I complain and am not always as kind as I should be, I have daily struggles but God is working on me and shaping me everyday into the person that he desires me to be. We have the best life right there in front of us, we just have to reach out and grab it.
Maybe you can be that type of person too, who learns to be happy for the smaller and bigger things in life. You may not have the job you want right now but at least you have a job, you may not have the size house you want but at least you have a house, you may not be able to afford the best quality food at times but at least you can afford to eat. When you wake up in the morning, think about the things that you can choose to be happy about. Think about your health, family, friends, or any little thing that may bring a smile to your face. Take a walk and admire the beauty of nature, cuddle with your puppy, read a good book and make the most of everyday and every moment. Your ambition to living a more positive life will be more worthwhile. Trust me, I've tried it for myself and am still learning how to make myself have a better attitude about things.
When I write things like this, I'm not trying to preach to anyone, but am giving advice on what I know by doing it myself. I am not perfect and will never be. I complain and am not always as kind as I should be, I have daily struggles but God is working on me and shaping me everyday into the person that he desires me to be. We have the best life right there in front of us, we just have to reach out and grab it.
Happy Spring everyone!