Best Part of My 20's So Far...

Well, although i've only been in my 20's for 2 years, I feel like i've both learned and accomplished a lot in these past two years. Through these past two years I feel like I've gotten smarter. I have really been into reading and improving my grammar skills and such. Sadly, my teen years I didn't feel like I had a lot of motivation to do things. I mean, of course I got the things done that were mandatory like school and chores but, some days I even lacked with that. I just didn't really think too much about my future or even tried to work towards making a better future for myself. But, as I got in my 20's, I began to really get serious about my goals and furthering myself. I began to take initiative.

The very best moments of my 20's were...
1.writing classes
2.creating a blog
3.becoming apart of the video ministry
4.making new friends
5.going to see Onerepublic (it was honestly an amazing night😁)
6.making more money
7.discovering new hobbies such as, blogging, web designing.
8.Joining social media was a pretty good thing for me also, in a strange way haha.
9.As crazy as this sounds but having a cell phone hehe, I didn't have a cellphone in my teen years and before. It has helped me to keep in contact with my friends much better and it just helped me a lot period. I suppose I never invested in having a cell phone because I didnt really have a need to have one at the time because I didn't have anyone to call or anything. I survived off of a iPod touch 5 and other types of devices before that. Yeah... teen  years were tough.

But overall, just experiencing God in ways I never have before. I've seen God do amazing things in my life throughout my 20's thus far. I've grown incredibly close to god because I feel like in my 20's is the time where I had the toughest of times emotionally, mentally, financially and beyond. But God provided through it all and he still is working through me to this day. I will one day write more about the amazing things God has done in my life.

But life has been a crazy yet amazing ride and I look forward to all there is to come. I'm sorry if this is a short post but in this post I highlighted some of the best times in my life. I can't really go into full details with each experience as a 20 year old but it has been quite interesting. It has had its mixes of good and bad, but I feel like the bad was only to make way for greater opportunities. I've seen God work through some of the most difficult times and right now, I just want to say that i'm truly grateful. It helps me to feel better about the difficulties I experience now. As I get frustrated about various things such as my writing, career, relationships and more, I remind myself of what God has done for me in the past and that these situations are no different. He is the same God with the same power and he will never fail me.

Please share with me some of your best moments in your life. Whether it was as a teenager or in your 20's i'd be happy to hear about it! Continue to spread the word about my blog. Remember, as you spread the word about my blog, you are being a huge support to my writing career as it is tied in with my future as a writer. And as always, i'm open to any suggestions you guys may have. My friend has just given a great suggestion today to write about how I have a productive day or just my day I suppose haha. But I am definitely going to take the suggestion and work on writing a blog about my day. That's all for now, much luv to you allπŸ’•πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

Devotional and My Thoughts on it

In the last couple of days or so, i've been thinking about the importance of God in my life. I've thought really hard one day about how important God really is. I've outlined some of the most important things in my life and the things that I think about most and sadly, I can't say that God has a big place in those thoughts of mine. I mean, of course I love God and think about God especially while i'm reading the bible, listening to Christian music or praying. But, the most time that i invest in aren't necessarily godly things.

I think about my future, I say "will I ever be successful" or "will I ever finish writing this book?" "how will I continue to financially support myself?" I think about my goals and things I need to do daily. I think about what to eat or what to wear, etc... soon after, time has past by and it's already afternoon and then I realized I still haven't spent time with God by reading the bible or praying. As it gets in the late afternoon, I say "i'll read the bible now" but I still forget and get distracted and do something else and then a whole day has went by and the bible hasn't been touched and I begin to really feel bad and disappointed in myself. 

Well, I wanted to share with you a devotional about putting God first. Studies, work, eating is important but when we give God first priority of our day, it really changes things. Here's a part of a devotional titled First Things First:

Jesus regularly demonstrated the importance of spending time alone with God. Whether it was getting up early to start His day with prayer, or going to His Father in the midst of incredible stress and uncertainty – Jesus believed in the importance of putting His Father first. And if Jesus did it, so should we. But, where do we start? 
1. PRIORITIZE: If tomorrow you had an important meeting with your boss, wouldn’t you make every effort to show up? So why do we regularly ignore or postpone our appointments with God? Is it because we are too busy, easily distracted or maybe just lazy? I love what the late Justice Scalia said
 to his clerk when he invited him to church. “I’m just too busy,” his clerk said. Scalia replied, “Well, I’ll tell the Creator of the universe that you were too busy to see Him.” Ask God to give you a desire to show up and meet with Him. 
2. TIME & PLACE: For Jesus, the time was in the morning before the day even got underway. For many with young kids, the mornings can be chaotic. Maybe the ideal time is during nap time or in the evenings. Choose a place that is quiet and free from distraction: maybe an office, study, or bedroom. 
3. PLAN: Choose a devotional guide to get started. Think of it like a spiritual warm-up – to help you focus. Check out a book by a Christian authors like Oswald Chambers, Sarah Young, Tim Keller or Max Lucado. Hey, even these morning devotions from RFTH can be your ‘warmup.’
4. PRAY: Prayer is simply pouring our hearts out to God. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6: 9-13) is a great model to get started: it involves praise, praying for others, confession, telling Him our needs, and asking for forgiveness and strength in the face of temptation. 
5. LISTEN: Are you listening? Or simply doing all the talking? If we want to hear from God, we have to listen. God speaks to us through His Word.  
Now what? Take the ‘30 Day Challenge.’ Beginning today, commit to a daily time with God for the next month. Don’t let distractions or responsibilities get in the way; make God your first priority and see what He has to say. It can literally change your life!

Those are amazing tips on spending time with God. I know we all get distracted but i'm willing to turn off those distractions and hear God speak and become deeply connected with him. I know that the days when I really choose to make God a first priority of my day, I feel peace of mind, strength, wisdom, and joy. During my quiet time it's strictly just me and God. I continue to feel God's help with many situations when I really lay down my burdens at his feet and trust in him. God has helped me to have a better way of handling many situations that I have handled wrongly in the past. 

I feel like the last couple of weeks, i've allowed myself to get so discouraged and sad and I really didn't think about trusting God or his faithfulness. I know that sounds terrible but i'm only human and I think so much about what I want and what God isn't giving me. I don't take the time just to acknowledge God for who he is and what he's done fo me already. Everyday he allows me to breathe and have a healthy body and he gives me clothes to wear, food to eat, a place to live, many times we take these things for granted because we're always looking at the bottle half empty instead of half full. Or perhaps, we're just constantly thinking about ourselves. The things that saddened me on a daily basis are important things and God knows that. But when I continue to distrust God and feel sorry for myself i'm really making God as if he's a liar and that he doesn't care for my needs. God knows my greatest needs and even desires, but my job isn't to worry and complain, my job is to trust and find rest, peace and joy in him and not in just materialistic things. 

I want to continue to share devotionals and give my thoughts on them. Thank you for taking out the time to read this blog as you know it means so much to me and I truly put my whole heart into everything that I write. I know that God has gifted me to write because I feel it's the best way that I can express myself! I love sharing my thoughts here on my blog. It's truly a joy and a great way for me to relax. 

That's all for now, thank you again lovely people for finding interest in my blog. Much luvπŸ’–πŸ˜Š

Friendships in a Fast Paced Society

I just wanted to share this article with you all. It really means a lot to me and it gave me a whole new meaning of friendships. It’s an article from ymi.today

Capturing Life episode 1

Hey folks! I'm so excited to present to you my first video of my new video series Capturing Life.

Please Enjoy!

My Weekend...

My weekend was pretty great I must say. Well... Saturday I had to work but after work, I did get a chance to enjoy the sunshine and relax a bit. Sunday I went out with some friends at Milkcraft! Which is an ice cream place (not just any ice cream place haha) It was the most fun i've had in a long time. Hanging out with fun people like I did Sunday was something i've been wanting to do for awhile. The occasion was my sister's birthday! It was actually a last minute idea but, it turned out great. We ate ice cream, chatted, and played a game. I feel like I really connected with everybody. I felt youthful and I felt like life really can be enjoyable.

 Of course, lately I didn't allow myself to enjoy life because I have so many things on my mind such as, my career, writing, singing, spiritual life, and other personal issues. But i'm glad that I was able to take the time out to actually know what it feels like to enjoy life and let go of some of the stress.

That was my weekend, how was yours?

I look forward to sharing more of my life with you soon. That's all for now! Luv KammyπŸ’•

Capturing Life

Hey all! As promised, I finally am getting started on my new videos series title "Capturing Life" Here's an introduction video! More videos to come. Enjoy!😊

Originating Change Within Me

 Recently, I made a list of ways that I have changed within the last ten years. I compared the things I wrote about and thought about in my ...