As we are approaching a new season and with just about 3 1/2 months left of 2018, I was thinking about the new things I've done and have accomplished. I love trying new things; it's such an exciting journey and experience. I will list just a few new things I've done and the new things that I want to do.
New Things I've Done:
Joining the Video Team at My Church - I have learned so much about media production by being on the video team. It has been both a joy and a blessing being apart of this team. I never realized how you can feel and actually see the power of God through worship videos. As I watch videos on Youtube like, Bethel, Hillsong and Elevation it has truly left me in awe by seeing some of the awesome shots they capture. I watch people's hands lifted high and tears falling on people's faces, it really changed my life. I suppose at first I just did it for the heck of it and because my brother needed extra help when he was directing at the time. But as years gone by, I was really glad I tried it. Actually, I believe my pastor preached about this a couple of weeks about about "trying new things"and it put a little motivation in me to write this post. But I am always afraid of trying new things, it takes a of pushing for me at times. But if it's something I feel fits me or if it's just something that seems really fun, I usually end up never regretting it.
Blogging - Many of you have heard the story of me becoming a blogger, but I don't think I've mentioned how I wasn't so fond of the idea at first. However, after a little bit more of convincing from my friend and how he mentioned how much it would benefit me as a writer, I had decided to just go ahead and do it. I must say, that even though I've had my discouraging moments with blogging, I have not yet regretted becoming a blogger. It has been a wonderful experience for me as a writer. It's also really fun!
Making Friends - Believe it or not, making friends is something that is brand new for me. I remember in my teen years it was tremendously hard for me to make friends. I don't know if it was because I was shy or because I didn't go as many places as I do now. But when I got in my 20's, I began to slowly break out of my shell. I feel like these past two years of my life have been a great learning experience for me. I feel like I've grown in a lot of ways. While I still struggle at times, I still never thought that I'd be having events with groups of people, having long phone conversations with people and even initiating meetups! So, I am very grateful for the way God has help me to develop in my social life. I'm thankful that God put the right friends in my life at the right time. I'm thinking for the ways that I'll grow even more both as a person and with friends.
Joining Social Media - I am one that was a latecomer to social media. From the time it first time I discovered social media to about 21 I was never interested in joining any social media sites. But, once I created a blog I realized that having social media platforms on my blog would be a big plus for me. So, after some debating I finally decided that I wanted to create an instagram and twitter account. I've also found that it's a pretty cool way to make friends that share the same interest as you! So, social media has been prety beneficial to me for the most part. I have started a little vlogging series titled "Capturing Life" (which I have to start doing again sometime soon.) I have connected with a lot of people that I never know how I would connect with otherwise, I have been able to see unique things about other people's lives and enter contests and many other things! Most people kind of have negative views or opinions on social media, but for me I've found it to be pretty helpful in some ways.
Ride a Rollercoaster 🎢- Riding a rollersocoaster was fun but let me tell you, I literally thought I was going to pass out when I got off haha! But it’s something I really never thought I’d do and I held on so tightly to the bar handles that my hands were red. But it was really fun!’
New Things that I Want to Do:
Go to a Pottery Class - I have always been interested in arts so, why not try out pottery where I can make pretty bowls! The classes I looked up were so darn expensive but, if I just ever so happen to have some extra money just to spend then I will definitely give it a try.
Paint a Picture - Just another thing to add to my Arts & Craft list.
Go to CYA - I really need something to do with my free Fridays, I feel like this may be a pretty neat thing to go to to learn more about God and grow and possibly form friendships with some people my age. My friends have been encouraging me to go and I just might end up doing it if the opportunity presents itself. My friends know that not having a car of my own is a bit difficult to get here and there on your own, but it is in progress. You will see people that Kamera Patrice will get there!😉
Attend a Service at Hillsong Church - After watching many worship concerts and services with my siblings, me and my siblings were definitely convinced that this something we HAVE to do. We have been so blessed by Hillsong's ministry. I believe God will make a way for us to get there at one of the campuses.
Try a New Coffee shop - This will be an exciting adventure since I've only been to two of the same coffee places in my life (Dunkin and Starbucks) I think this fall I'm going to try a brand new coffee spot. Who knows, it may become a regular place for me and replace Dunkin and Starbucks.
Take a Roadtrip with Friends - I always wanted to go to a concert in another state or just go to another state to go sightseeing, but now that I've made a few friends, I want to make that effort to experience doing some new things with them! We may not know entirely where will go, but that's the whole adventure part about it haha!😁
Rollerskate - I always imagined roller skating in a big room somewhere with bright multicolored lights and fun music!😁 this one is a “must do.”
I believe that completes my list for now. If I think of some more things to add to the list I will update this post. Please continue to check my blog to see all of the lastest updates. Also, let me know what new things you have done or want to do. I'd love to hear about it! Don't forget to subscribe, share and comment!
Love you folks, kammy😊💖💕
Feedback Time!
Hey guys! It’s feedback time! I figured I take the time to write a post to give my readers an opportunity to share their thoughts on my blog. Many of you know that my blog is linked with my future writing career and it means so much to me when people read my blog and tell me about a post they liked or about a topic they’d like me to talk about. So,now is the time, what are you thoughts on my blog? You can tell me about my design, topics, or consistency of my posts. Feel free to tell me whatever you like in the comments. Tell me if one of my personal stories were something that you can relate to or have made you feel better about a situation. Whatever it may be, I’m all ears 👂
Christmas in July: Living in the Now
if you walk in any store now, you'll see Fall and Halloween stuff out now. Yes, it is quickly approaching, but what about when stores are putting out Christmas stuff in September? It just seems like we keep fast forwarding to the next thing and hardly ever just enjoy what's going on right now, like the last bit of summer that we have left. My point is, we could be worrying ourselves so much about the future and miss out on all the great stuff there is to enjoy now. One day I was waiting on a customer and she was stressing herself out thinking about all the things she has to buy in the coming months. She was back to school shopping and then she said "then I have to think about what to get for the October and November and then a wedding shower and then christmas" I was saying to myself "Gee, take it easy lady. You only live one day at a time" but really at times we're living two months at a time.
When we begin to enjoy the things that are right in front of us, life can be a lot more at ease i believe. We begin to be appreciate one thing at a time. What would it be like if we began to live that way? I mean, it's always good to prepare early for things but we can't stress ourselves out about it. Besides, we can't really say we'll have another Christmas, so we might as well enjoy the rest of the summer festivities while we can.
Waiting can be difficult and that's probably why we choose to bring seasons and/or holidays come sooner by buying decorations and such. But no matter how much stores rush Christmastime and make it so commercialized, there's nothing that can take away the pure joy I get around christmastime. it's a pleasant feeling because i'm ready to receive Christmas, not when the stores are ready. But around the end of November, I'm ready to receive the Christmas joy and celebrations.
I know a lot of you are probably getting back to school and everything, but I suppose my lifestyle is a bit different. I kind get ready for school in my own time haha, I can setup my own time when i like to take my classes and probably take a break when i'm ready. But let me tell you, I'm really excited for those people getting back into their flow of education but since i'm able, I don't have to really keep up with the hustle and bustle of life, I'm just going to sit back and enjoy what's in front of me. That being: church, work, friends and the classes that I have here and there. I sometimes wish I had it like others, going to college right after graduating high school, but I suppose God's timing wasn't there and he had other plans. He knows my situation and knows what's best for me. I know, I'm totally getting off track now, but that's what i love about blogging, it allows you to take off and wander to a few places you never thought you go. At least, that's the way I look at it. i hope you guys are able to keep up with me on this ride also; on this ride of spaghetti brain haha.
But, let's enjoy what's here and let next month take care of itself. Matthew 6:34 says "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."
I have posted a feedback post on my instagram, for those of you who aren't on instagram, feel free to share your thoughts right here on my blog. Honestly, your help is so appreciated. I've use a lot of ideas from people's suggestions. I look forward to journeying this thing called life with you guys again soon!
PS. shoutout to my sister Kayla who came up with the title of this blog. Luv ya sissy!
Peace out everyone!✌
Leaps of Faith: How I Plan on Taking the Next Steps in My Life
Being Brave - I often don't feel like i'm moving ahead in life because i'm afraid of what the outcome will be. For instance, I want to tryout for vocals at my church, but I am afraid if I get nervous and freeze up during a service or even during an audition. I've even convinced myself that "I don't think i'm good enough" So, I begin to make up many accuses for myself as to why I shouldn't try to be on the vocal team or for many other things in life. So, what I want to do differently is to stop listening to the voices inside of my head, the critical voices that is. And pray and believe that whatever the results may be that it is in my best interest and it was or wasn't what God wanted. But I pray that God would make me brave enough to at least try and maybe even take risks if it comes down to it. I feel like if my desire is to do something positive, then I may as well take the opportunity. especially if the opportunity presents itself. God doesn't make mistakes, but God won't scold us or leave us left alone if we take the risk and things don't turn out the way we hope. I know that you can't always get things so easily. As Pink says, "you gotta get up and try."
Being Committed - If you want to get better at something such as, an instrument, sport or even cooking, you have to keep working at it and be committed to it. I have my days where I truly stick to everything that is on my "To-Do List" but other times I fail getting anything done on my list. I know that being successful takes a lot of hard work and I know that I won't be successful if I keep putting things off to the next day and the next. I want to be committed to taking the steps that are required to getting ahead in life. I want to further my education, develop my skills, and be more independent. I know that things take time in life, but at least I can say that i'm trying.
Making My Own Decisions - I have a hard time making decisions for myself. I always need a second opinion. I suppose it's not terrible to get advice from other people such as family or friends but, I know it's also important to have a mind of my own. Because I may be in a position where the only person that can decide for me is me. But, I also must remember that i'm never left all alone to make decisions. Whenever I am faced with making difficult decisions, I can turn to God to help me to be wise in all of my decision-making. Now that i'm an adult, it's really important for me to learn how to make my own decisions. Because even though parents always say "they know best' at times their best for you may not be what you want. So, if your parents want you to be a doctor and you want to be a teacher, should you just be a doctor because your parents want you to be? That's when making your own decisions come in and lovingly tell your parent s that "being a doctor just isn't for me. I have a passion to teach." So, I know my parents sometimes won't agree with my decisions, but I want to always try my best to respond to them with love and respect and tell them "It's something I feel I have to do." It's not easy making decisions, but if we seek God, he'll definitely lead us on the right path. I know that once I begin making my own decisions, I feel I would build more confidence in myself. Even when I make mistakes, I know that mistakes are going to help me grow and become a better and wiser person in a way.
Taking One Step at a Time - In life, we can't expect to accomplish so many things at one time. If we do, it's a miracle but it could be overwhelming also. Since I have many things on my "accomplishment list", I must learn to go at a steady pace. I have classes setup and also my permit to work on so, I possibly couldn't overload myself with a vocal audition, searching for a new job and many other responsibilities all all in one shot. I feel like if I stick to keeping a steady pace, i'll eliminate a lot more stress or frustration. I know that I'll get there as long as I'm doing my best and to be confident in myself and these next steps i'm taking. I get so anxious to get ahead in life that I wish I could press the speed button on every area in my life, but I have to remember that having patience will take me very far. Oppose to rushing. I know that God's timing is always perfect and even though at times my life seems blah, I have to believe that God has so much more in store than what I can see.
I know that sometimes I get discouraged from life seeming to go at a slow speed but, I want to trust God that he has my back and I will see his glorious plan unfold in the long run.
I feel great sharing these types of posts with you all.I fee like it brings both me inspiration and hopefully others also. I sometimes feel a bit uneased being so raw on my blog but I also feel peace from finding a way to easily express my thoughts and feelings through writing.
Thanks for joining me on this crazy thing called life. I plan to bring much more for you to enjoy. Please comment, share and subscribe to this blog or my social media sites. I love love hearing from you guys about one of my posts.
Be inspired! Luv Kammy❤✌😊
Your Destiny/ and/or Gifts
Most of us, but maybe not all of us, wonder what we're going to do in life. From when you're a young child you even think about some possible things you'd desire to do in the future. Many times you'll hear adults asking children "What do you want to be when you grow up?" A lot of times children don't hesitate with a response. They'll say something like... "I want to be an astronaut!" or "I want to be a scientist!" and maybe, just maybe they may end up doing those things when they get older but most of the time they don't. If you ask a young adult from the age of 17-24 they may respond with "I'm studying in business" or "I'm studying in communications" but a lot of the time they don't actually know what they want to be, only what they're studying for or trying to become if that makes sense.
So, my question is, what are your gifts? what do you feel you are destined to do in life? I often ask myself the same thing. I'll answer that question right after I share this devotional with you titled:
And that’s all that Kammy has to bring to you today. I hope that reading my blog can possibly bring a little joy in their day or that reading my blog may become a regular for you.
Much to you all, Kammy😊💕
So, my question is, what are your gifts? what do you feel you are destined to do in life? I often ask myself the same thing. I'll answer that question right after I share this devotional with you titled:
ID - Your Destiny Revealed
Acknowledge There is More
Whether you write it down in a “to do” list or make a mental note, we all have things we want to accomplish each day. When you add to that all the information we’re bombarded with via technology, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Even with all our busy-ness, there is still something missing, something more for us to do.
During those rare instances when you actually have some down time, you may find yourself wondering, “Are the goals I’m reaching toward the right ones? Does God have another purpose for my life?”
Today you begin the journey to discover who God has uniquely designed you to be. To change your focus, your direction towards God’s purpose, you have to change the way you think.
So, let me begin on sharing with you my gifts and what I feel i'm destined to do in life.
Writing - I could not tell you guys enough how much passion I have for writing and how I feel so much each and everyday that that's my god-given gift. I feel like the reason that it's a gift is because even though I struggle with writing stories and such, that when i'm writing generally just about how I feel or my thoughts, it gives me such joy and relief. The words that are on my heart are soon displayed all on paper or screen. When i'm writing, fear and everything else that's trying to keep my bogged down gets out the way. When i'm writing, I feel a personal connection with God. I believe that writing is my gift that I want to use to bring God glory.
Singing - I feel that singing is also one of my gifts because there’s no denying the feeling that I get the moment I either sing one of my favorite songs or hear it. It’s a bubbling sensation that won’t go away. I don’t know how good I am at singing but, I do have ambition to become better and better at singing. I also know that through my singing, I want it to change lives just like it has changed mine.
Ministering - Everyday I ask God to show me who/where I can show my light to today. I feel like ministering is a gift that many Christians have in us that we don’t even realize. We can all minister in our own way. I feel like I can even minister through blogging! And I believe that it is one of my goals as a blogger to write about my faith. Ministering is a gift that I want to begin to use more and more because I feel that it’s an important job for me to do as a writer. I pray that God would give me that boldness to minister and help others in anyway that I can.
There’s just a few of the gifts that I strongly feel that are given from God and that I want to use. I would like to leave you with a snippet of this article from titled “The Top 10 Ways to Discover Your Unique Gifts”
Everyone has a unique gift — something that is just undeniably “you” and is precisely useful to those around you. It’s much more than a skill — it is an ingrained strength fueled by your deepest passions, and nurtured by an unwavering sense of purpose. Most people never find their unique gift, either because they don’t realize they have one, don’t believe they have one, haven’t attempted to find it, or don’t recognize it when it is staring them in the face.
I love what that says. So, it’s time to chat. Tell me, what do you feel your gifts or talents are? Let’s discuss it in the comments section.
Much to you all, Kammy😊💕
Emotional Rollercoaster: How I Deal with My Many Emotions
😀😥😖😬😠😍 Emotions, they are quite a crazy ride at times. I wanted to share with you guys how I deal with my many emotions on a daily basis:
Happiness - Happiness isn't a difficult emotion to deal with thankfully. But, it is difficult to be "Fake Happy" because I put on the "Fake Happy" at times and it just plains sucks. Especially at my job where I have to deal with people. I have to show that I'm cheerful and happy to serve them even if I'm not feeling the greatest at times. Sometimes I put on my "Fake Happy" not necessarily because I'm sad but sometimes just because I'm drained or not feeling well etc...
But, when I have real happiness it's the best feeling ever! What makes me really happy is singing, dancing, listening to music, taking walks, eating and all that kind of stuff. When I'm happy I really feel such an invigorating feeling in my body that becomes contagious to others haha!
Sadness - Sadness is one of the most difficult emotions that I have to deal with. I could start to not think about a problem so much but still wonder why it's not being resolved. Therefore, I'm still sad inside but have just not thought about it as much and continue to tell myself that "I'm ok" and "It'll work out."But for the most part of my life I've dealt with sadness through prayer, music, watching something entertaining and now blogging! Also, talking with family and friends have helped me a lot too. Oftentimes, I'll read a good story to cheer me up or read a devotional of some sort. I try to go to a peaceful area that would help take my mind off of things. I try to stay away from the news if I can. A lot of times I deal with sadness in different ways depending on what the situation is. Sometimes I don't do anything when I'm sad but sit and listen. Sometimes that's all God may want us to do for the moment.
Frustration - This emotion seems to occur pretty often. I get frustrated quite often about things that I'm not accomplishing such as, jobs, writing and many other responsibilities. The best way that I deal with frustration is honestly to just stop thinking about so much. I know, sounds simple enough but it is quite a struggle for me. But I know that the more I'm thinking about things the more I'm building stress and anxiety and overwhelmness. And when I feel I didn't accomplish much in a day, I'm going to try again the next day and push myself to be more persistent so that I won't continue to fall in my slump.
Fear - The best way that I overcome my fears is to talk back to them in a way (sounds crazy, I know) but what I mean is that I'm going to say to myself that "Fear, you are no longer going to take hold of me" though I may end up with those same fearful feelings, I believe like by talking back to your fears that you are taking somewhat of authority of what you will allow fear to do to your mind and your life. God doesn't want us to live a spirit of fear and let me tell you, fear can take away so much of your joy in life. That's why you have to begin to talk back to those fears and any other negative feelings and tell them who's boss.
Excitement - I simply don't have to deal with excitement, I just become my crazy self😆 jk. But excitement is an emotion I don't necessarily have to deal with. I love it when I'm excited whether it's a concert, going to a movie, starting a new job excitement is a thrilling feeling. When I'm truly excited for something sometimes it's hard for me to eat or do other things because my mind is simply on that one thing that I'm excited for. I think when there's something exciting going on there's almost nothing that can bring me down.
Love - yes, there's all types of love that we have in life. I have a hard time expressing love to others that think they're above than others and you know, just difficult people in general. But sometimes I catch myself saying "Why should I love them when they just gave me the middle finger" I mean, maybe it's hard to love everyone but, the Bible does tell us to love our enemies. We should treat people the way we would want to be treated even if they don't treat us right. I also fee like I don't express my love and appreciation enough to my family and others that are close to me. I'm still busy thinking about the awkwardness of it. But when I do express that love to my family, friends, and everyday people it makes me feel so good inside. So, I did say there's all types of love and romantic love would probably be the most popular form of love. I technically don't know if I have romantic love for anyone but I suppose I do have feelings for someone and the way I'm dealing with it is... well simply nothing much at the moment. It's been going on for awhile but I guess I'm just trying to figure out what do I do about these feelings if no move is being made on the guy's side when technically the guy should be the one to make the first move. I suppose I did flirt a little with him from time to time but it's nothing major. Sometimes my feelings feels like love but I'm pretty darn sure I'm not quite there yet. So my answer to how I'm dealing with these feelings is just going with the flow. If he feels the same way and is just maybe nervous and waiting on the right time then let it be so. However, maybe I'm not his type and I'll begin to develop feelings for someone else but who knows. But I am certain that I like him and I do hope I find some kind of clarity between us.
There's my list of my most frequent emotions I deal with. Feel free to give me your feedback on any one of my blog posts. I love sharing thing with you guys. I've been trying to be more consistent with my blogging and it seems to be working out pretty good!😉👌
Much love to you all, Kammy💖😊
Love - yes, there's all types of love that we have in life. I have a hard time expressing love to others that think they're above than others and you know, just difficult people in general. But sometimes I catch myself saying "Why should I love them when they just gave me the middle finger" I mean, maybe it's hard to love everyone but, the Bible does tell us to love our enemies. We should treat people the way we would want to be treated even if they don't treat us right. I also fee like I don't express my love and appreciation enough to my family and others that are close to me. I'm still busy thinking about the awkwardness of it. But when I do express that love to my family, friends, and everyday people it makes me feel so good inside. So, I did say there's all types of love and romantic love would probably be the most popular form of love. I technically don't know if I have romantic love for anyone but I suppose I do have feelings for someone and the way I'm dealing with it is... well simply nothing much at the moment. It's been going on for awhile but I guess I'm just trying to figure out what do I do about these feelings if no move is being made on the guy's side when technically the guy should be the one to make the first move. I suppose I did flirt a little with him from time to time but it's nothing major. Sometimes my feelings feels like love but I'm pretty darn sure I'm not quite there yet. So my answer to how I'm dealing with these feelings is just going with the flow. If he feels the same way and is just maybe nervous and waiting on the right time then let it be so. However, maybe I'm not his type and I'll begin to develop feelings for someone else but who knows. But I am certain that I like him and I do hope I find some kind of clarity between us.
There's my list of my most frequent emotions I deal with. Feel free to give me your feedback on any one of my blog posts. I love sharing thing with you guys. I've been trying to be more consistent with my blogging and it seems to be working out pretty good!😉👌
Much love to you all, Kammy💖😊
My favorite blog post so far...
I’m really happy to know that i’ve Written over 100 blog posts now. It started out slow for me but, as time went on I’ve gotten better and better with it and have gotten so much support from it. I am going to do a repost of my favorite blog (yes, call me lazy) but I am going to add some comments to it. This is my favorite blog post i’ve Written titled “Being a Woman in Your 20’s”
Hello Lovely People, I've been M.I.A because i've been sick for the past few days so I haven't the energy to do much of anything and i'm very sorry about that. But i'm back now and ready to continue on my blogging journey.
I want to share a little topic with you about being a woman in her 20's. Well... i'll start with saying it's been an emotional roller coaster. When I first turned 20 it didn't feel much different from being a teen but as a few months past by after my birthday I start having a lot of anxiety problems I would say. Everyday I woke up worrying about my future. I kept worrying that I may become a failure. It just seemed like everything in my life was falling apart all at once.
During my anxiety stage, I took a break from just about everything. Writing, singing, school and all of the above. I went through a small depression I would say. Some days I didn't feel pretty and some days I felt i'll never be accepted. So, here I am thinking that once I reach my 20's all of those teenage problems I had may disappear. But it actually only got worse. Because I had all of these expectations of myself to be at this point of my life at this age. But it just wasn't going that way.
But, one day God spoke to me and all I could hear him say is "don't give up" God reminded me that i'm worth more than what I can see. even though I may not have what other people have I have my own unique way about me and if no one else thinks i'm special, i'm always special in God's eyes. From there on out I began to read devotionals about joy and peace and it really helped me change my thinking and my view of myself. I kept telling myself I can't keep searching for happiness through people and material things but I must first find true satisfaction in God. If God is out of the picture then I believe everything else in my life will begin to go haywire. I didn't keep obsessing over my future or anything else in my life but begin to find complete peace in God.
Though, I still have my struggles from day to day about finding true friends or career goals and relationships and such, I can still rest assured that nothing is out of God's control and that I can always talk to him about anything and he will understand. So, yes i've had my share of struggles but at least i'll always know that my struggles aren't so unbearable where I can't bring them to God. That's why I love this scripture,
that scripture has really spoken to me and has left a great affect on me.
Also, when I turned twenty I began to really have feelings for someone which is... another issue that i'll have to discuss in another blog post. I'll say that we both finally have come to an conclusion about things and are both at peace with things. And even through all of the drama and stress I still see God working in some way. he's strengthening us both through this time.
But anyway, enough about the drama and everything but i'll tell you some great things I have accomplished as a 20 something year old haha. I went to my first writing classes which was something i always wanted to do and it was a great learning experience, i've discovered some new hobbies such as blogging and designing, i've made a few friends (one is in the process of potentially becoming a stronger friendship) and the other would be my best friend as of right now and others would just be aquaintances, I went to see my favorite band - that being Onerepublic; and I believe I have more but that's all my little brain can remember at the time. I will promise to add more of my accomplishments as a twenty something year old when I think of them.
Well, I can say life has had its ups and downs but in the words of Onerepublic "things are only getting better" so in my opinion I think things will start getting better than worse.
That post is my favorite because it’s very relevant to my current life. Yes, i’ve Had some struggles as an adult but I feel like I’ve also learned and am learning so much each day. I feel like i’m Beginning to accomplish more things than I ever have before. Soon, ’m going to post videos about each of my “grown up adventures” be on the lookout for those videos on instagram. You guys can check me out on instagram @prettyonedge81
I am enjoying being the young woman that God has created me to be and the plans that God is going to prevail. I’m excited about the adventures that this “grown up life” has to offer. Sorry if anyone feels this is a lazy post but I feel that this post is personal to me and needed a repost! Haha. I have some more great posts that I’m cooking up fro you guys.
Ok, that’s all the fun I have for today.
Ps. Writing and music has given me a great lift through many difficult times. My grandmother has passed recently and I feel like I have been able to handle it so well through prayer and writing.
Rest In Peace Grandma, I love you.🙏💐🌅
Hello Lovely People, I've been M.I.A because i've been sick for the past few days so I haven't the energy to do much of anything and i'm very sorry about that. But i'm back now and ready to continue on my blogging journey.
I want to share a little topic with you about being a woman in her 20's. Well... i'll start with saying it's been an emotional roller coaster. When I first turned 20 it didn't feel much different from being a teen but as a few months past by after my birthday I start having a lot of anxiety problems I would say. Everyday I woke up worrying about my future. I kept worrying that I may become a failure. It just seemed like everything in my life was falling apart all at once.
During my anxiety stage, I took a break from just about everything. Writing, singing, school and all of the above. I went through a small depression I would say. Some days I didn't feel pretty and some days I felt i'll never be accepted. So, here I am thinking that once I reach my 20's all of those teenage problems I had may disappear. But it actually only got worse. Because I had all of these expectations of myself to be at this point of my life at this age. But it just wasn't going that way.
But, one day God spoke to me and all I could hear him say is "don't give up" God reminded me that i'm worth more than what I can see. even though I may not have what other people have I have my own unique way about me and if no one else thinks i'm special, i'm always special in God's eyes. From there on out I began to read devotionals about joy and peace and it really helped me change my thinking and my view of myself. I kept telling myself I can't keep searching for happiness through people and material things but I must first find true satisfaction in God. If God is out of the picture then I believe everything else in my life will begin to go haywire. I didn't keep obsessing over my future or anything else in my life but begin to find complete peace in God.
Though, I still have my struggles from day to day about finding true friends or career goals and relationships and such, I can still rest assured that nothing is out of God's control and that I can always talk to him about anything and he will understand. So, yes i've had my share of struggles but at least i'll always know that my struggles aren't so unbearable where I can't bring them to God. That's why I love this scripture,
that scripture has really spoken to me and has left a great affect on me.
Also, when I turned twenty I began to really have feelings for someone which is... another issue that i'll have to discuss in another blog post. I'll say that we both finally have come to an conclusion about things and are both at peace with things. And even through all of the drama and stress I still see God working in some way. he's strengthening us both through this time.
But anyway, enough about the drama and everything but i'll tell you some great things I have accomplished as a 20 something year old haha. I went to my first writing classes which was something i always wanted to do and it was a great learning experience, i've discovered some new hobbies such as blogging and designing, i've made a few friends (one is in the process of potentially becoming a stronger friendship) and the other would be my best friend as of right now and others would just be aquaintances, I went to see my favorite band - that being Onerepublic; and I believe I have more but that's all my little brain can remember at the time. I will promise to add more of my accomplishments as a twenty something year old when I think of them.
Well, I can say life has had its ups and downs but in the words of Onerepublic "things are only getting better" so in my opinion I think things will start getting better than worse.
That post is my favorite because it’s very relevant to my current life. Yes, i’ve Had some struggles as an adult but I feel like I’ve also learned and am learning so much each day. I feel like i’m Beginning to accomplish more things than I ever have before. Soon, ’m going to post videos about each of my “grown up adventures” be on the lookout for those videos on instagram. You guys can check me out on instagram @prettyonedge81
I am enjoying being the young woman that God has created me to be and the plans that God is going to prevail. I’m excited about the adventures that this “grown up life” has to offer. Sorry if anyone feels this is a lazy post but I feel that this post is personal to me and needed a repost! Haha. I have some more great posts that I’m cooking up fro you guys.
Ok, that’s all the fun I have for today.
Ps. Writing and music has given me a great lift through many difficult times. My grandmother has passed recently and I feel like I have been able to handle it so well through prayer and writing.
Rest In Peace Grandma, I love you.🙏💐🌅
Concert Outfit Ideas???
So, I'm going to a concert in September and I'm in need of an outfit!😬
I have not yet decided on what outfit would be perfect to wear to the Niall Horan concert in September. However, I have narrowed a few outfit ideas down found on pinterest. I may not find the exact kind of outfit shown in the pictures but, I will definitely find something close to it. Also, you will see an outfit option with a sweater because well, it'll be the middle of September and it just may be a little chilly. Here s my outfit ideas:
I have not yet decided on what outfit would be perfect to wear to the Niall Horan concert in September. However, I have narrowed a few outfit ideas down found on pinterest. I may not find the exact kind of outfit shown in the pictures but, I will definitely find something close to it. Also, you will see an outfit option with a sweater because well, it'll be the middle of September and it just may be a little chilly. Here s my outfit ideas:
There's my outfit options for th Niall Horan concert. Please feel free to let me know which one you think I should pick. I will show me wearing the winner in my blog posts and Instagram. I'm soo excited to see which one you guys choose. Let me know in the comments section.
Luv Kammy😊💓
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