So, my question is, what are your gifts? what do you feel you are destined to do in life? I often ask myself the same thing. I'll answer that question right after I share this devotional with you titled:
ID - Your Destiny Revealed
Acknowledge There is More
Whether you write it down in a “to do” list or make a mental note, we all have things we want to accomplish each day. When you add to that all the information we’re bombarded with via technology, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Even with all our busy-ness, there is still something missing, something more for us to do.
During those rare instances when you actually have some down time, you may find yourself wondering, “Are the goals I’m reaching toward the right ones? Does God have another purpose for my life?”
Today you begin the journey to discover who God has uniquely designed you to be. To change your focus, your direction towards God’s purpose, you have to change the way you think.
So, let me begin on sharing with you my gifts and what I feel i'm destined to do in life.
Writing - I could not tell you guys enough how much passion I have for writing and how I feel so much each and everyday that that's my god-given gift. I feel like the reason that it's a gift is because even though I struggle with writing stories and such, that when i'm writing generally just about how I feel or my thoughts, it gives me such joy and relief. The words that are on my heart are soon displayed all on paper or screen. When i'm writing, fear and everything else that's trying to keep my bogged down gets out the way. When i'm writing, I feel a personal connection with God. I believe that writing is my gift that I want to use to bring God glory.
Singing - I feel that singing is also one of my gifts because there’s no denying the feeling that I get the moment I either sing one of my favorite songs or hear it. It’s a bubbling sensation that won’t go away. I don’t know how good I am at singing but, I do have ambition to become better and better at singing. I also know that through my singing, I want it to change lives just like it has changed mine.
Ministering - Everyday I ask God to show me who/where I can show my light to today. I feel like ministering is a gift that many Christians have in us that we don’t even realize. We can all minister in our own way. I feel like I can even minister through blogging! And I believe that it is one of my goals as a blogger to write about my faith. Ministering is a gift that I want to begin to use more and more because I feel that it’s an important job for me to do as a writer. I pray that God would give me that boldness to minister and help others in anyway that I can.
There’s just a few of the gifts that I strongly feel that are given from God and that I want to use. I would like to leave you with a snippet of this article from titled “The Top 10 Ways to Discover Your Unique Gifts”
Everyone has a unique gift — something that is just undeniably “you” and is precisely useful to those around you. It’s much more than a skill — it is an ingrained strength fueled by your deepest passions, and nurtured by an unwavering sense of purpose. Most people never find their unique gift, either because they don’t realize they have one, don’t believe they have one, haven’t attempted to find it, or don’t recognize it when it is staring them in the face.
I love what that says. So, it’s time to chat. Tell me, what do you feel your gifts or talents are? Let’s discuss it in the comments section.
Much to you all, Kammy😊💕
Good topic!
ReplyDeleteThanks sissy!😊