My favorite blog post so far...

I’m really happy to know that i’ve Written over 100 blog posts now. It started out slow for me but, as time went on I’ve gotten better and better with it and have gotten so much support from it. I am going to do a repost of my favorite blog (yes, call me lazy) but I am going to add some comments to it. This is my favorite blog post i’ve Written titled “Being a Woman in Your 20’s”

Hello Lovely People, I've been M.I.A because i've been sick for the past few days so I haven't the energy to do much of anything and i'm very sorry about that. But i'm back now and ready to continue on my blogging journey.

  I want to share a little topic with you about being a woman in her 20's. Well... i'll start with saying it's been an emotional roller coaster. When I first turned 20 it didn't feel much different from being a teen but as a few months past by after my birthday I start having a lot of anxiety problems I would say. Everyday I woke up worrying about my future. I kept worrying that I may become a failure. It just seemed like everything in my life was falling apart all at once.

 During my anxiety stage, I took a break from just about everything. Writing, singing, school and all of the above. I went through a small depression I would say. Some days I didn't feel pretty and some days I felt i'll never be accepted. So, here I am thinking that once I reach my 20's all of those teenage problems I had may disappear. But it actually only got worse. Because I had all of these expectations of myself to be at this point of my life at this age. But it just wasn't going that way.

 But, one day God spoke to me and all I could hear him say is "don't give up" God reminded me that i'm worth more than what I can see. even though I may not have what other people have I have my own unique way about me and if no one else thinks i'm special, i'm always special in God's eyes. From there on out I began to read devotionals about joy and peace and it really helped me change my thinking and my view of myself. I kept telling myself I can't keep searching for happiness through people and material things but I must first find true satisfaction in God. If God is out of the picture then I believe everything else in my life will begin to go haywire. I didn't keep obsessing over my future or anything else in my life but begin to find complete peace in God.

Though, I still have my struggles from day to day about finding true friends or career goals and relationships and such, I can still rest assured that nothing is out of God's control and that I can always talk to him about anything and he will understand. So, yes i've had my share of struggles but at least i'll always know that my struggles aren't so unbearable where I can't bring them to God. That's why I love this scripture,
that scripture has really spoken to me and has left a great affect on me.

Also, when I turned twenty I began to really have feelings for someone which is... another issue that i'll have to discuss in another blog post. I'll say that we both finally have come to an conclusion about things and are both at peace with things. And even through all of the drama and stress I still see God working in some way. he's strengthening us both through this time.

But anyway, enough about the drama and everything but i'll tell you some great things I have accomplished as a 20 something year old haha. I went to my first writing classes which was something i always wanted to do and it was a great learning experience, i've discovered some new hobbies such as blogging and designing, i've made a few friends (one is in the process of potentially becoming a stronger friendship) and the other would be my best friend as of right now and others would just be aquaintances, I went to see my favorite band - that being Onerepublic; and I believe I have more but that's all my little brain can remember at the time. I will promise to add more of my accomplishments as a twenty something year old when I think of them.

Well, I can say life has had its ups and downs but in the words of Onerepublic "things are only getting better" so in my opinion I think things will start getting better than worse.

That post is my favorite because it’s very relevant to my current life. Yes, i’ve Had some struggles as an adult but I feel like I’ve also learned and am learning so much each day. I feel like i’m Beginning to accomplish more things than I ever have before. Soon, ’m going to post videos about each of my “grown up adventures” be on the lookout for those videos on instagram. You guys can check me out on instagram @prettyonedge81

I am enjoying being the young woman that God has created me to be and the plans that God is going to prevail. I’m excited about the adventures that this “grown up life” has to offer. Sorry if anyone feels this is a lazy post but I feel that this post is personal to me and needed a repost! Haha. I have some more great posts that I’m cooking up fro you guys.

Ok, that’s all the fun I have for today.

Ps. Writing and music has given me a great lift through many difficult times. My grandmother has passed recently and I feel like I have been able to handle it so well through prayer and writing.

Rest In Peace Grandma, I love you.🙏💐🌅

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